Welcome to Faith Lutheran Church in Winterset, Iowa

Dr. Keith Schweitzer
Greetings from
Dr. Keith Schweitzer
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope you will consider coming and visiting us here at Faith Lutheran Church in Winterset. Our worship service is at 10:30 am every Sunday here in the beautiful and historic church in the Madison County Historical Complex.
Let me pray with you.
Heavenly Father,
You have given to Your people and Your church the mission to proclaim the Gospel truth of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray all who may visit our website are blessed with Your unfailing blessings of faith, forgiveness, and Your loving-kindness. Bless our little congregation of Faith Lutheran Church in Winterset that she may be a light in the community and a sanctuary of Your truth and love. In the name of Your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ, I pray. Alleluia!

Lent & Easter
Our attention transitions from the birth of our Lord which we celebrated at Christmas to His life and ministry here on earth. Lent and Easter come late this year. Ash Wednesday is March 5th and Easter Sunday is April 20th. Our Lord came as our servant King for the single purpose to accomplish our salvation. This He has done with His life, death, and glorious resurrection. His ministry was one of feeding, healing, serving, and teaching. Jesus did exactly what we would expect the Son of God to be doing. He continues to serve us today. Let us give our thanks to our heavenly Father for giving us such a Savior.

Sunday School for All Ages
& Adult Bible Class
Every Sunday at 9:30 am
Expand your Scriptural Understanding and Faith

Faith Lutheran Church in Winterset Celebrates 20 Years in 2024
In October 2003, the phone rang in Dr. Schweitzer’s office in Greenfield..
“Pastor, could you meet with a group of us here in Winterset? We’d like to discuss with you the possibility of starting a new Missouri Synod Lutheran congregation in town.”
Following a series of meetings to plan and pray about a new congregation in Winterset, a group of 3 families held a worship service in early February 2004 in the community room at the Farmers and Merchants State Bank. On Easter Sunday of that year, the small group had its first worship service in the Zion Church on the property of the Madison County Historical Complex. The congregation has been worshiping in this beautiful and historic church ever since.
In 20 years, the congregation has grown to over 40 members and became a duly constituted congregation of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in 2022. Dr. Schweitzer was formally called to be the pastor of the congregation in 2023.
Today, the congregation is a vibrant group who gather for Sunday School, Bible study, and the Divine Service. The worship service features a weekly celebration of the Lord’s Supper as well as making use of the historic and very elegant liturgies of the church during the service.
We invite you to come and visit us on Sunday morning. Our service begins at 10:30 am. Please feel free to contact Dr. Schweitzer anytime. Call or text him at 641-745-5143. Or email him at keithlcms@gmail.com.
The Lord has richly blessed our little congregation over these 20 years. We look forward to His continued blessings in the future. Join us in our Lord’s blessings here at Faith Lutheran Church.
Yours in our Lord Jesus Christ. ~ Dr. Keith Schweitzer

Save the Date!
Heartland LCMS Singles Retreat
Friday through Sunday, July 19-21
Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca (in Eastern Iowa)
Age range: 21-41
Questions? Contact:
Dr. Keith Schweitzer, keithlcms@gmail.com
Cost: $100 for two nights and four meals.
Please bring your Bible, a lawn chair, and your swimsuit
(the camp has a swimming pool).

16 Lesson Video Course Leads to the Lord’s Supper
Production has been completed on a new video course for our congregation. Prayerfully consider viewing this very easy video course that goes through Luther’s Small Catechism. The 16 lesson course is intended for youngsters and adults alike. Completion of the course leads to an invitation to join us in partaking of the Lord’s Supper. Text or email me at 641-745-5143 or keithlcms@gmail.com and I’ll mail you a thumbdrive and a copy of the illustrated Small Catechism.
Faith Lutheran Church is a mission congregation of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. We are a conservative congregation as we make exclusive use of the historical liturgies of the Lutheran Church.
We believe you will find no finer nor a more beautiful expression of Christian worship. We seek to give to the Lord our very best and with liturgical worship, we truly do catch a glimpse of heaven! If you are looking for a “contemporary“ worship service, you have many churches from which to choose. However, if you are seeking a divine service that features elegant and beautiful music befitting of holy and sacred worship, faithful Scriptural preaching, and a celebration of the Lord’s Supper every week, we extend to you a heartfelt invitation to visit us here at Faith Lutheran Church. Bring your family, your friends and neighbors.
Thank you again for visiting our website. We look forward to seeing and meeting you soon. God’s richest blessings to you and yours in our Lord Jesus Christ.

The parament is a gift to the congregation from Ryan Frederick.